I hope this inspires you to find your own blessings in these challenging economic times.
1- Spending time with family and friends is more important than anything I could ever buy.
2- I was wasteful with money and didn't even know it.
3- People are there to help you when times get tough; you just have to ask. And, if you ask and it isn't forthcoming, remember that they have their own problems to deal with and the timing just wasn't right -- no blame, no resentment.
4- Helping others stay positive during this economy is one of the most rewarding things I can do to help others get through it.
5- Eating home cooked meals we prepare together is not only fun, it's healthier, and I can lose weight!
6- I find gratitude in knowing I have a roof over my head, a warm bed, and wonderful food. It could be much, much worse.
7- Lying awake at night imagining the worst isn't helpful; getting 8 hours of sleep IS.
8- Simple pleasures like reading, playing games, sharing with friends, hanging out with my sweetie and our dog, and being available to help others brings more joy than any TV show.
9- Giggling with my husband every night before we go to sleep makes everything seem OK.
10- Perfection is -- what is.