Monday, October 26, 2009

My Take-Aways from BizTechDay - Part 2

Here’s my second installment of what I learned at BizTechDay 2009. It’s about viral video.

I have really been admiring Elizabeth Potts Weinstein’s use of video. She’s consistent and produces really effective videos that are FUN to watch, and have great content. So, i had to attend the following session on Viral Video.

Video Entrepreneur: How to Turn Visitors to Customers Using Viral Videos

The presenters were Mike Koenigs of Traffic Geyser, and Justin Kan, Founder of .

Unfortunately, Mike talked so darn fast, my notes are not as complete as I’d like, and there were no handouts. So, I’ll do the best I can with what I’ve got. You can visit his web site for more information and his free Viral Video Secrets . It’s a bit “salesy” for my taste, but he has good information.

Mike’s points were:

  • There are 1 Billion videos watched on YouTube in the US every day. (Staggering, isn’t it!)
  • Just do it! Don’t wait for it to be perfect. There are low cost/low tech ways to create short videos.
  • Make a short video (3 minutes or less) that has a beginning, a middle and an end.
  • Send it everywhere; there are video directories like there are blog directories
Be sure you let viewers know:
  • who you are
  • something about you
  • how to find you
  • how to hear from you
Justin Kan was a bit easier to follow so here goes:

  • hosts live videos; your very own TV show!
  • Answer the top ten questions your clients are asking about your business (FAQ)
  • Also and the top ten questions they should be asking (SAQ)
  • Schedule your show at a regular day and time and be consistent -- show up!
  • Do lifestyle pieces (these get viewed the most), and testimonials from clients
  • you can outsource voice overs -- he recommends Voice123
I got really excited about this. I have a strong hunch that video is the way to go. I like it because it personalizes an already impersonal web experience. I’m all about building relationships and have come to love in-person networking because I can meet people face-to-face and get a feel for the other person. I think video will allow prospective clients, interested people, and friends to actually get a real experience of who I am. Yes, they’ll see my age lines, and I’m no Sophia Loren, but I’m a real person and that will show through.

Elizabeth has offered to let her followers know her process for doing her videos, and I’m eagerly awaiting it. Consider following her on Twitter, @elizabethPW, she’s a hoot! Oh yeah, I’m also on Twitter, @tarufisher, and I’m pretty interesting, too!

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